So while Khorne was the dominant god of the 7th, in 8th it was Nurgle since he had the most new plastic kits and their rules got pushed to sell better. May not be so fast, but it tanks every **** away and blocks your flank still sufficient. Also, the new and improved Nurgle Slimebeast comes for fa bit more points but in a 1+ unit size. Simply overkill to buy 3 beasts to secure your flanks againt light cav.

= 8th Of course this can not stand, so while not that much changed for the beasts itself, the single armybook change of upping the unit to 3+ makes them unwanted. 7th Slaaneshbeast units could be 1+ beasts, which as single choice gave you for under 50 points a really fast, hard hitting flanking and harrasing unit.Still useful on the board = 8th edition Flamers are so bad at hitting stuff and are also getting the new "tzeench green flame" RNG treatment, that they are not really worth their points anymore. 7th Tzeentch Flamers were IMBA killers, until very late that edition an armybook update reduced their effectivness.7th Skullcrushers were the hardhitting monstrous Cav, in a edition were cavlary was king of the battlefield = 8th Skullcrusher get the same strength reduction and lose in general compared to the new Nurgle Blightdrones.And to top it all Plaguebearers get the better Herold boni and are one point chearper.Hail Nurgle. 7th Bloodletters were not as tanky as Plaguebearers but with enough strength to do serious damage = 8th Bloodletters get -1 strength which makes them as strong as Plaguebearers but not as tanky.Which meant in 8th edition, they basicly went the same road but pushing their newest plastic kits. 7th edition Daemons were already pretty hardcore. You can throw anything at Ward and most of it sticks, but this one I don't think is fair. I love them so much, but it's not a good book (Stupid Matt Ward ruining 7th daemons by making them op). While the fluff is good, it's not as good and the rules really drag the book down. The most disappointing one Daemons of Chaos 8th. 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.847 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.